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Popek, Krysztof & Monika Skrzeszewska(eds.) (2019). Turkish Yoke or Pax Ottomana. The Reception of Ottoman Heritage in the Balkan History and Culture. In: Zeszyty Naukowe Towarzystwa Doktorantów Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 24 (1/2019), (Krakow: Nowstrona, e-ISSN 2082-9213), 201p.(Geraadpleegd op, 29-8-2020). Download

Rudić, Srđan & Selim Aslantaş (eds.) (2017). State and Society in the Balkans before and after Establishment of Ottoman Rule (full text). Publication of The Institute of History Belgrade and Yunus Emre Enstitüsü – Turkish Cultural Centre Belgrade. Institute of History Belgrade Collection of Works, vol. 35, 352 pag. (Belgrade: The Institute of History, 2017). (Geraadpleegd op, 3-9-2020). Download

Stojkovski, Boris (ed.) (2020). Voyages and Travel Accounts in Historiography and Literature. Volume I, Voyages and Travelogues from Antiquity to the Late Middle Ages, pp.338. (Budapest: Trivent, ISBN Hungary 978-615-81689-2-2). (E-book retrieved 12-12-2020). Download

Yerasimos, Stephane, (1991). Les Voyageurs dans l’Empire Ottoman (XIVe-XVIe siècles). Bibliographie, Itinéraires et Inventaire des Lieux Habités. Conseil Suprême d’Atatürk Pour Culture, Langue et Histoire Publications de la Société Turque d’Histoire, Serie VII – No.117 (Ankara: La Société Turque d’Histoire, ISBN 975-16-0290-4), 494p. +69 maps.
Translated into English:
Chapter 9: The route of the imperial ambassadors or “the middle way”, 43-53 (notes included)
Chapter D: Conclusions,  88-92
Selected Bibliography

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